Monday, May 4, 2009

Notes on a Spanish Harlem Mamacita Margarita Bonita Fajita

Vote to the Right---------------------------->>>>>>>>>>>
Quiz Questions:
Q. What do dirty mexicans and horny girls NOT have in common?
A. I'll give you a hint: one of them doesn't go to Mcauley!

Q. Who's more formidable, Public Enemy Number One or Two?

Q. Do L.S. and J.S. sail?
A. They don't sail, they motorboat. You motorboatin' son of a b*&%#, you old sailor, you!

The Pride of Concord meets Fairfield's Finest

Jersey Expat

Prudence may have "never been in this position before" Photobucket but K.L. knows more than her fair share about who is required for the sleeve, sterilizing finger cuffs, and how to "throw him a bone". Speaking of kinky... Photobucket Photobucket...and mamacita wasn't even at Leslee's bonfire to see it!

Meanwhile, at the poker table, L.S. "still has more than you thoooooooo" and Boston wants to know "alright, do we git any cahds"? But cheer up, sleepy Jean. We had newbies hustling, but Prudence still had to "beat this b$%&#" (language, girls!). Unfortunately, she was still on Yahtzee rules and got her chili peppers cooked by Public Enemy Numero Uno.

Arriba! Arriba! says Marie...AH! the newest version of the happy dance (tossing her head side to side, like a Pour Some Sugar on Me video audition. Photobucket Thank God she's such a great mathematician!

And now, a special edition of "How to Spot a Cheater": PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket

And, of course, we have those who just can't seem to leave mommy duty at home (Big Red has NO problems in this area!): Peek-a-Boo, I see you! Photobucket Nap Time??? PhotobucketPhotobucket

Prudence, meet Innocence (I give the latter a month. The former is a liar) Photobucket Photobucket Prudence wants it (PEno1 should have stuck her chin out)

La-La-Looooosers! Photobucket

Ttfn, it's been fun, hope Maria doesn't feel a burden because Chimichanga's kids have taped up holes in their shoes. Houdini and Copperfield, I don't know how you eluded my camera, but GET READY because we will get you next time! Thanks to our all-time dealer!!!

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